Thursday, February 18, 2016

Our Lay Dominican Sister, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,
Edges Closer to Beatification!
By Mrs. Carol Cline, O.P.

                In celebration of Luisa’s 150th Birthday, an international conference was held in her hometown of Corato, Italy last April. It demonstrated how far and wide the teachings Jesus gave her for all his children in the world have spread! Almost 1,000 people attended! The greatest representations were from South Korea and the Philippines. Led by a Cardinal, several Bishops, and many priests, Masses were celebrated with joy and inspiring talks were presented during the three days of the conference. On the last day, a witness told the participants the details of a miracle attributed to Luisa that has been submitted to the Vatican. Interestingly, it occurred in Florida. In addition, a second miracle which took place in Italy has just this month been reported!

            Contributing greatly to progress of Luisa’s cause, especially I think by the Church, has been the convincing defense and publication of the dissertation by Rev. Joseph Ianuzzi (Father Joe) titled, The Gift of Living in the Divine Will in the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta, An Inquiry into the Early Ecumenical Councils, and into Patristic, Scholastic and Contemporary Theology. It was written in 2012 to complete his doctorate in theology at the Gregorian Pontifical University of Rome and is available for purchase on Amazon. Since then, he has traveled worldwide giving talks and retreats on the Divine Will according to the Book of Heaven and other volumes written by Luisa.

            The Vatican has given permission for all Luisa’s writings to again be published, now that the theological correctness of the material has been acknowledged, and the critical translations are underway. Moreover, a new biography of Luisa has just been published by the Vatican and is just arriving in the U.S.!

            As fellow Lay Dominicans, we should keep our Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in our prayers that she will soon be raised to sainthood. I encourage you to read the biography published by the Vatican. Currently this book is available in Italian, See:

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