Submitted by Mrs. Carol Cline, Candidate
Recently while praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Jesus showed me
His Sacred Heart - filled with compassion and merciful love for His poor
children. In this Heart we are all His little wounded ones - the ladies I met
when counseling at Open Door Women’s Clinic, whose stories brought my heart to
the brink of brokenness; the young women
like the one in the song of “Fancy” put simply, all the suffering souls of all
generations, including myself.
I thought of the Father Mike Somer’s homily on the “Our Father”
prayer. The emphasis was on the “our”. Not
“my” Father, but “our” Father. Our faith is always in community, not
individually. No exclusions. Jesus came to die in order to save each and every
soul, all of us. As a community, we make up the Mystical Body of Christ. If anyone is missing, it is painful to all of
us - as if a toe or finger or other body part had been cut off! This causes
Jesus, and therefore each of us, agony.
We are called then to pray and implore for the salvation of all
souls. Not only the good people, but also and even with greater supplication
for the unrepentant and hardened souls. Our Holy Mother Mary, in Her
appearances for over 30 years in Medjugorje, beseeches us, “Dear Children,
pray, pray, pray!” Let us heed her words
and bring consolation to both the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate
Heart of Mary - let us Pray!